If you wish to offer a gift to a loved one or simply want to know your size, we are at your convenience to assist.

We invite you to choose a ring, measure its inner diameter and then choose the closest measurement on the table below, in order to identify your ring size.

If you are unsure and hesitate between two sizes, choose the largest. Please note that the style of the ring can also affect the choice of size: a larger ring should be worn loosely than a smaller ring.


14,3 mm 45 3 ¼
14,6 mm 46 3 ¾
15 mm 47 4
15,3 mm 48 4 ½
15,6 mm 49 4 ¾
15,9 mm 50 5 ¼
16,2 mm 51 5 ¾
16,6 mm 52 6
16,9 mm 53 6 ½
17,2 mm  54  6 ¾
17,5 mm 55 7
17,8 mm 56 7 ½
18,1 mm  57  8
18,5 mm 58 8 ¼
18,8 mm 59 8 ¾
19,1 mm 60 9

For more information about our sizes, we will be pleased to welcome you in our store, 31 rue de Seine in Paris.

We are also available by email at for any request, from Monday to Friday, 10am to 6pm (French local time).